ProCycle Solutions

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ProCycle Solution

Hospitals consistently scramble to turn high-use inventory and unnecessarily increase assets by placing new orders. At the same time, there are instruments within the hospital’s inventory and sister facilities that are being underutilized. ProCycle provides visibility into unused assets so they can be quickly identified, matched, restored, and repurposed, which translates to lowered expenses while creating sustainable solutions for hospitals.

Surgical Data

Enhanced Inventory

ProCycle mines a hospital’s inventory to identify frequently used items as well as unused assets. Our system enables hospitals to utilize and repurpose their inventory and save money by matching demands for instruments with available, but often invisible inventory. This allows facilities to meet internal needs, within a single facility or even across an entire hospital group.

ProCycle Advantages

  • Reduce new inventory spending
  • Maximize inventory space
  • Improve surgical case efficiency
  • Reduce labor
  • Repurpose and optimize instruments and equipment
  • Know what you have, what you need, and how to budget

Surgical Data Management

Contact Us

Keep track of your hospital’s entire inventory while repurposing underused assets. Our team will work with you to identify needs and implement a proactive inventory system to save your facility money and improve efficiency.

Proud to partner with organizations like these to improve patient care and increase efficiency through data-driven solutions